What are the biggest technical SEO Trends in 2021? Let us have a look at the significant SEO Trends to consider in 2021.
Smartphones and the internet have made lives easier. People can search their queries and get the answers in a matter of seconds. According to Internet Live Stats, it is estimated that about 3.5 billion searches take place on Google each day. 
This is enough to get an idea about the importance of SEO for businesses and brands.
Search Engine Optimization is crucial if you want your website to be visible on Search Engines. Moreover, Search Engine Optimization helps you to generate more website traffic and can be immensely beneficial for the growth of a website and brand. 
Google is one of the most used search engines out there with about 94.14% share. 
Ready to explore the SEO trends in 2021? Let’s dive in!

Biggest SEO Trends in 2021

In order to gain the maximum benefits of SEO, it is essential to consider the upcoming technical SEO trends and direct your SEO efforts accordingly. 
Here are some of the major SEO trends to look for in 2021.

1. Search Intent

Search Intent is basically keeping yourself in the shoes of your audience. Whenever you are covering a keyword, ensure that your content matches the search intent of the keyword. 
For instance, when a user searches for “best SEO services”, it is clear that he/she has an intention of availing SEO services. You should include this keyword if you are providing SEO services. This will ensure that your content is parallel to the user’s search intent. 

2. Video SEO

We all are aware of the growing popularity of video marketing. Be it YouTube, Tiktok, or Instagram Reels, people are attracted to videos as a source of information, entertainment, education, and whatnot. 
Videos make a lasting impact on people and help them to understand your brand better. Hence, it is important that you optimize your videos. 
If you are interested to know more about YouTube Optimization, then you’ll love our YouTube SEO guides:

3. Featured Snippets

A Featured Snippet is a piece of content that answers a specific query. It is the small box that shows the summary of a blog or the part of a blog that particularly answers your question. 
To get a featured snippet on Google, it is important to focus on the user’s requirements. Make sure that your blog provides a precise and valuable answer to a question. Do extensive research and know your audience, it will help you in creating the content that serves your prospects’ needs.

4. Voice Search

With the busy schedules, the voice search assistants come to the rescue. People are shifting towards using voice search assistants like Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, etc. Over one quarter of the online population globally use the voice search feature on their mobile devices.
With the increasing trend for Voice Search, it is essential to incorporate Voice Search Optimization in your SEO strategy. 
Read more about Voice Search Optimization: 

5. High-Quality Content

It’s not new to hear that “content is the king”. High-quality content is one of the most important parts of online marketing. Google prioritizes and displays the most valuable information to its users. Make sure to provide valuable and reliable information to your visitors.
Moreover, keeping the content original is also vital. Try to incorporate the E-A-T concept i.e. Expertise, Authority, and Trust. 

6. Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals is a new Google ranking factor update that is expected in 2021.
In simple words, core web vitals evaluate your website based on the user’s overall experience that includes site responsiveness, speed, and visual stability. Google labels the results as Poor, Needs Improvement, and Good. Moreover, the outcomes are based on the following three metrics:
1. LCP (Largest Contentful Paint)
2. FID (First Input Delay)
3. CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)
The metrics are classified as follows:
Image Source: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/
SEO Trends are evolving. Every year new updates are introduced. Hence, it is important to stay updated with the latest trends and modify your SEO strategies accordingly. 
If you are looking for the best SEO Experts who can ensure that your site is optimized with fresh updates then consider hiring a reputed SEO Service Company.
DezignApe Technology is a team of Digital Marketing and SEO Experts in Bareilly that offers top-notch online marketing and SEO services all over the globe. Get in touch today! Call on +91 8006872426.