Have you ever visited a facebook page and couldn’t go back without liking the page? It seems like some facebook pages have magic in how they optimize and present their content. But, in reality, it is just the proper utilization of the features that facebook offers you.
Once you have implemented the basics of facebook optimization, it is time to go professional with your facebook account.
We are here with some tips that can make your facebook account stand out from the crowd:
1.) Featured Image
Featured image/highlighted image is the image that appears at the top, on your profile. It reflects your brand and gives the visitors a gist of what your brand is about.
You can now not just simply transfer a photograph in the featured image, however now you can be innovative and use video or make a slideshow.
2.) Milestones
Milestones are an exceptional kind of Facebook post that spotlights prominent accomplishments and occasions from an earlier time. This is an extraordinary method to share your company’s history and give some chronicled settings for your organization.
In order to add milestones to your Facebook page, visit your timeline and click Offer, Event +. Then click Milestone.
3.) Customer Reviews
Always enable your customer reviews. When someone visits your page and thinks about buying your product or services, they always prefer to go through the reviews first. Make a point to react and respond to reviews, regardless of whether they are not what you have anticipated. It constructs trust for your company.
4.) Organize your page tabs
Not only you can enable or disable a facebook page tab, but you can also arrange them in a particular order according to the priorities of your business.
The motivation behind why you need to investigate this area is that a few tabs might be to a greater degree a need for your business, contingent upon what you do.
Brush up your facebook page and make your facebook account worth the attention of the visitors with these awesome tips for facebook optimization. If it seems overwhelming, then feel free to contact us for digital marketing assistance. DezignApe Technology offers digital marketing and IT services including Social Media Marketing, management, optimization, etc. Shake hands with us and get the most out of your online presence.