SEO is an integral part of online marketing. If you want to improve your website ranking and increase traffic, then you can’t ignore Search Engine Optimization. 

75% of the searchers do not click past the first page of results. So, how to get that rank? What to do and what not to? There are several methods and techniques that are used to get that #1 ranking on search results. With this, comes a lot of misconceptions and myths. 


Biggest Myths About SEO

Let us debunk some of the biggest myths about SEO:

1. SEO is dead

You might have heard this before – SEO is dead. This is not true. Search Engine Optimization is a key component for growing online. Every time, Google launches a new algorithm, you might need to modify your strategies and tricks. Moreover, some older strategies might not work now, but SEO is not dead. You just need the right methods.

2. No follow links are valueless

No follow links are the links that are not followed by the crawler. But, don’t forget that humans can still go to that link for reference. So, don’t ignore the no follow links from sites with good authority. 

3. More content is better

Yes, according to the stats, top ranked websites have a lot of content. But, is that it? The answer is no. The quality of your content also matters. Most of the top ranked website offers immense value to their audience through their content. Focus on quality over quantity.

4. Keyword research is not necessary

Thorough keyword research helps you to find what people are searching for. It helps you understand your audience better and produce content as per their requirements. Moreover, targeting particular keywords gives you direction and helps you in being relevant. 

5. SEO is a one-time thing

SEO is not a one-time thing. Consistency is crucial if you want to maintain your rank on the search engine results page. Consistent efforts and updation are necessary if you want continuous results.


Search Engine Optimization can offer great benefits if done right. It is important to understand the algorithm and make alterations in your strategies accordingly. 
If all that sounds too much, then you can hire a digital marketing agency to avail SEO services for your business and get the results you desire. Contact us to know more.