Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is an integral aspect of almost every digital marketing strategy. Just as we want to learn about the current techniques, SEO is still the backbone of digital marketing and will remain so shortly.

There is a huge misconception thinking about SEO that it is only related to keywords and content. Although these two elements are extremely crucial for a strong SEO organic strategy, you also need to pay attention to technical search engine optimization, which helps you improve your overall search rankings.

Before we talk about the technical SEO secrets of 2022, let us first understand what is technical SEO and why it is essential?


The term technical SEO refers to enhancing or upgrading the technical features of a website to improve search rankings. In a nutshell, technical search engine optimization is a part of on-page SEO that emphasizes optimizing your websites for the indexing or crawling phase. It is entirely different from off-page SEO, which mainly focuses on website promotion through other channels.


The reason why you should focus on the technical side of SEO optimization is that it makes certain search engines have quick and easy access to find, interpret, index, and crawl your web pages without any hassle. You can consider it as giving Google the key to locating your website instantly and conveniently, at the same time enabling it to understand what your website is all about.

Now let us learn the best technical SEO secrets of 2022.

  1. Make Sure to focus on Hreflang

Hreflang is something that you should pay special attention to, particularly when your website is offering content in various languages. This is a unique set of code on your website that tells search engines like Google that you have multiple versions of the same page in different languages, targeting different geographical regions. This helps search engines to present the correct version of your website to the user.

  2.Do Not Forget Seo Title Tags

Meta title tags are bolded text across the top of your search engine listing. These are HTML elements that define the title of a web page and determine how search engines read your title. It also tells everyone what your page is all about. When a user opens a web page, the same meta title wordings are displayed across the browser tab.

While certain title tags are automatically generated on your website, it is necessary to add custom tags to every page on your site. If you are unsure how to phrase your title tags and what keywords to use, consider looking for your competitor on Google. This will give you an idea about what exactly they are ranking for and help you use something similar to boost your search rankings.

3. Ensure That Your Site Is Secure

Ever since Google’s announcement, several websites have acquired SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates in an attempt to boost their website’s SEO. Even though secure websites have become more standardized today, not every site is HTTPS encrypted. Therefore, switching over to a safer platform will help you build more trust with search engines and users, further leading to better website rankings. 

You might have noticed that before entering an HTTP site on Google, users are warned that the site is not secure. This might make users hesitant and discourage them from using the site. Hence, having an SSL certificate for your website will make people feel more secure, attract more traffic, and show Google that your website can be trusted.

Various studies have found a connection between higher search rankings and HTTPS. In some cases, Google might even use HTTPS as a tie-breaker. So when all the other variables are considered equal by Google, the SSL certificate can be the only factor that boosts your ranking to the top. This may result in increased website traffic and visibility.